Konomi and Konoha Room

webotanical gardenmascot!
plantBorn from the seeds of
It's still small, but
To become a fine tree one day,
botanical gardenI'm studying at

Yumenoshima Tropical Botanical GardenWhatwhat kind of place?

Yumenoshima Tropical Botanical Gardenfor
Mysterious shapetropical plantsor,
eat insectscarnivorous plantBut
Mysterious shapetropical plantsor,
eat insectscarnivorous plantBut

inside the domereallike a jungleceilingThere are palm trees and delicious fruit that will reach your heart.

Let's explore behind the waterfall.
Be careful not to get wet!

In the carnivorous plant greenhouse, you can see plants that eat insects. There's a hungry Nepenthes on my head...! ?

Dream Fever ChannelNow open!
Yumenetsu Channel
We will be there too!
We will be there too!

otherAlsomoviea lot!
Go to Yumenetsu Channel!
Go to Yumenetsu Channel!
Bigger palm
breaks the ceiling! ? -
Together with Konohakonomi
Explore the dome!

hot dreamTake the quiz!
Do you understand everything?
botanical gardenmysterious to
plantBut still a lot!
botanical gardenmysterious to
plantBut still a lot!
Do you know the plant that blooms at night?
here is the answer
Sagaribana (A Dome)Flowers will fall in the morning. Others include Tsukimisou and Gekkabijin. You might be able to see it at the opening event at night! ?
here is the answer
Banana (B Dome)Bananas grow on grass, not trees. Also, the part that looks like a red flower is not a flower but a leaf.
What is that "grass" with sweet yellow fruit that everyone knows?
What tree is the source of chocolate?
here is the answer
Cacao (B Dome)Cacao berries are the raw material for chocolate and cocoa.
A tree with roots that looks like an octopus' foot found in the Ogasawara Islands?
here is the answer
Pandanus (C Dome)Roots like octopus legs support trees and absorb moisture from the air.
here is the answer
Vanilla (C Dome)When the fruit ripens, it turns into a sweet scent.
A plant whose seed smells like cream puff or pudding, what is it?
A plant that responds to a sensor and eats insects in a pinch?
here is the answer
Venus flytrap (insectivorous greenhouse)In places where there is no food, they trap insects and feed them.